Sunday, January 31, 2021

America and The War on America

 America: The War on America

What do you think of when you think of war? Violence? Money? America? Often we hear in the news that the United States might go to war with this country, or is at war with this country, but do we ever hear that maybe we should not encourage war with anyone? Most media is out promoting war and fear mongering in order to get Americans rattled or to expect war. Both the American Conservative and focus on news as it should be. I focused on reading articles and headlines on American Conservative because it was less busy of a website and easier to focus on the headlines themselves. There are many news sources out there that focus on promoting wars and encouraging them, these websites do the opposite. To better understand why we may have to seek out random websites such as these two, I will pick articles from each and try to break them down compared to what you may see in the mainstream media. The picture below is one that I thought fit well with this topic and had to include it. War itself is good for the media, good for politicians, and good for the countries we fight against, not for the common folk. Us as Americans suffer from war and fear but that is one thing that most media loves to encourage. 

The American Conservative

(Source: The American Conservative)

The article that I chose to observe on this website is titled "Why is America 'Contingency Planning' For War With Iran" ( Boland, 2021) In this article the main focus seems to be that America has recently made a deal with Saudi Arabia to use some bases in case of a war with Iran. The author really tries to dig down as to why they would label this as a 'Contingency plan' for a war that has not happened yet. For me I think the main reasoning for such a plan would have to be the fact that our relations with foreign countries will not look good in the next four years. If we as a country have to plan on having a war, then why not start the war as bad and dark as that may sound. Why isn't our focus on foreign relations like our last President did? The answer is in the mainstream media and this article, because the media loves to fearmonger. This article does a good job of trying to do the opposite but instead understand why we would want to encourage a war. We have seen this tactic not only about war, but most recently the virus and using scare tactic for political leverage. The more they make us afraid, the more they make money and the more they make political gains. Seeking out an obscure website such as this one to find news that discourages war only makes sense because of the world in which we live in. The media looks for popularity and money which would not be brought by anti-war tactics. I believe there should be more in the media such as The American Conservative but for now we will have to seek out obscure websites for this kind of news.


The article that I chose on is titled "Iran Says It Will Not Comply With Nuclear Deal Until US Lifts Sanctions" (DeCamp, 2021) What this article brings to my mind is what this country looked like from 2009-2017 when we were bowing down at the feet of other countries. Iran does not want to comply with us until we give up the sanctions that we have on them. This topic itself is one that focuses on what could happen with our country and Iran over the next few years. In the mainstream media it would be an article titled "US to Comply with Iran and Lift Sanctions" The media wants us to go to war, they have always encouraged war and have often forgotten we still have soldiers fighting in Afghanistan who have been there for three quarters of my life. This article gives us as the reader all of the information that we need to transcribe it for ourselves instead of telling us what we need to think. The article never says it is likely that we will lift sanctions, or that we will be going to war unless we do this. That's what I like about this website and its goal to not steer our thoughts in one direction but to leave that part up to us. 

"Every War in The Past 50 Years is a result of media lies."

- Julian Assange


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