Friday, January 15, 2021

My Daily "5"


My Daily "5"

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, there is one thing that we as individuals can agree on; News sources have biases. There are more biased news sources such as CNN or Fox News and then those that are more neutral such as the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. This data was brought to me by the interactive media chart. (Ad fonts Media, 2021) Because of these biases I find it important to study various sources of news daily. Here are the sources in which I receive daily news or what I consider my daily "5"

The first source in which I receive my news is Fox News and although they are right-biased, I align with their values and politics. What makes Fox News different than other news stations is that they are more unfiltered than other news sources and speak fact instead of fiction. I have the app on my phone that sends notifications to me which also adds to the convenience factor of the source itself. What I like about their news station specifically is the fact that they offer plenty of shows allowing you to hear from various perspectives. Not all of the people that are brought on the show lean right which allows for an outsider perspective. 

My next source in which I check my news is CNN which may be surprising seeing that my primary source of news is Fox. I check out the news on CNN after looking at Fox because I am aware that both stations have biases and I like to see the same story on both pages. What I find to be the most interesting is how different the headline of the same story may be from a Fox News article. It just shows you that there are biases, but seeing both sides allows for you to obtain all of the information that you need. I recommend looking at both sides of the aisle when getting your daily news. 

Instagram is my next source of news and that is because I can see multiple sources of information all in the comfort of one app. I follow various accounts that post news, but also rely on what my friends post to get current news updates. With something like Instagram, everyone is allowed to post what they want regardless of if it is completely true or not. Although this is a problem for many people, it allows you to see how quickly news spreads, true or not. I can differentiate the differences between the real news I see and the fake news most of the time by who posts it. It is good because now even news sources will break news on social media before it breaks anywhere else. 

Recently I have also been getting my news from the recently popular news source, Newsmax. I have been watching them lately because even the sources that tend to lean one way have been biased towards their own viewers. Their goal is to provide news as the facts without bias and that is what they have done thus far. Their headlines are as cut and dry as they can be which leaves it to us as the viewers to interpret it as we see it. I think even if you lean left it is worth taking a look at Newsmax for your daily news. 

My final source of news is the New York Times because I have always seen it as a trusted source of both US news and world news. They tend to deliver the news as it happens and is usually one of the first places to come out with a story, while also having accurate news. I recommend this to anyone looking for relatively unbiased news in a timely manner. 

Having 5 daily sources of news each day may take an extra 15 minutes in the morning, but it allows you to see how perspectives of news from all different angles. Next time you go to open your go-to app for news, try opening up a few more and broadening your news

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